My name is Denise Ball.
My mother is Maori and my father a Pakeha from Northern Ireland decent. It wasn't until I reached my mid-twenties that I started asking what is Maori, who am I, where am I from, where do I belong, where do I fit. I had layers of questions, so I started seeking. And when we seek, we find.
Ko Tawhirirangi Te Maunga
Ko Mohaka Te Awa
Ko Ngati Kuhungunu Te Iwi
Ko Nagti Pahauwera Te Hapu
I’d been living a life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll in London, where I was trying to escape my heart. I was not yet ready to deal with childhood wounds around the death of my mother when I was just 18 months of age, my years in a children’s home from ages 3 to 12 where I experienced sexual abuse, my youngest brother taking his own life at the age of 17 years and my sister at the age of 36 years.
But as I walked the city streets of London, images of a Maori Chief would walk towards me. I started to feel a rope connected to me from my ancestors -- calling me home to my Maori heritage.
This led me back to New Zealand where I found myself volunteering at a Maori Healing Clinic. As I experienced deep generational healing, I felt the vail lifted to my ancestors -- who would whisper things in my ear about family members or about illnesses within myself.
At first, I tried to run away and went into bodywork full-time. But soon found I couldn’t just do a physical massage. So I started fine-tuning my healing and psychic skills and allowing the expression of my sensitivity.
I started seeking support with deep tissue bodywork, cranial sacral work, meditation, art therapy, reflexology and psychosomatic body work. No matter what modality I engaged or trained with, I still felt a deep yearning. Something was missing. Finally I attended a womb retreat in France, and I found what I was looking for.
By chipping away and creating an excellent support team, I was able to relinquish layers and layers of childhood pain, generational past life trauma and everything in between.
It has been transformative, empowering and worth it.
I can share now, I feel emotionally free, feeling a sense of more space internally, a massive reduction of mental torture going round and round and--best of all--I know my self-worth.I love who I have become!