Castor Oil Packs

Ricinus communis, is the botanical name for the castor bean. It has been used therapeutically for centuries in traditional medicine of ancient India, China, Persia, Africa, Greece, Roma and the Americas.

While you have the pack in place, take time to stop and rest, journal any thoughts, feelings, sensations or images that can arise. A lot of womb insights can be gained during this process.

Alter your hottie, wheat pack heat to your preference.

If you’re not using a pack with out a heat source, secure the pack with a towel wrapped around your body, secure with pins, leave in place overnight.

Non Acute: Non acute conditions is three times a week, eveyr other night for three weeks, with the fourth week off, and then continue once a week, or until symptoms subside.

Acute Conditions: 30 mins nightly for five nights, take two nights off, then repeat the cycle for two weeks or until the condition resolved.

When not to do a castor oil pack.

Do not use if you are bleeding heavy, gaseous stomach, intestinal conditions or during pregnancy.

If you have any any chance you may be pregnant.

Take a week off when you are menstruating.

Plants that are considered Safe for Yoni Steaming

  • Chamomile

  • Lavender

  • Rose Petals

  • Calendula Flowers

Use one handful for dried herbs

Use two handfuls of fresh herbs

Safety Precautions

  • Never use essential oils even if safe to ingest

  • Only use plants on the safe list unless you know your plants.

  • De not use if there is an active pelvic infection (bladder, thrush, herpes)

  • Only plan a steam when you can stay at home and relax afterwards

  • Do not steam with plants you are allergic to.

  • Be mindful of physical gender steaming

  • Only use organic spray free plants

  • Stay warm after a steam, no swimming in cold water.

  • Do not steam while menstruating

  • Do not steam when pregnant or if you think you maybe pregnant.

  • If its too hot, it’s too hot.

Vaginal steaming brings warmth and moisture to the pelvic floor and reproduction organs. It aids the uterus in cleaning herself, particularly if theres enduration matter on the endometrium. This is a spiritually uplifting, nourishing, grounding and purifying.

When we give more attention to our wombs it can generate emotional responses. If you have any concerns at all please contact me.